Net Wrap & Twine

Agricultural Stretch Film is made of high-quality low-density polyethylene which provides a strong elastic stretch to ensure a high resistance to punctures and creates the conditions necessary for an effective ensiling process. This process requires low oxygen levels to converts carbohydrates into preserving lactic acid.

Hay rolls and warm sunset sunlight in the field

Advantages of Net Wrap and Bale Twine

When it comes to securing your baled forage crops, there are distinct advantages to using either net wrap or bale twine. Both options offer unique benefits that cater to different preferences and operational needs. Whether you prioritize efficiency, cost-effectiveness, or specific features, understanding the key advantages of each option will help you make an informed choice for your baling operation.

Key Advantages of
Net Wrap

Net wrap has gained popularity among modern farmers for compelling reasons. Its primary advantage lies in superior coverage, tightly binding bales to reduce spoilage and weather-related damage, preserving crop quality. Net wrap also streamlines wrapping with its efficiency, boosting productivity and reducing labor costs. Additionally, it enhances bale appearance, improving marketability and professional presentation, making it a valuable choice for agriculture.

Key Advantages of
Bale Twine

Bale twine is a reliable and cost-effective option for securing bales, known for its simplicity and ease of use. It’s favored by many farmers for its straightforward approach, requiring no specialized equipment. Although it may take a bit more time than net wrap, it remains efficient and dependable. Twine is also easily recyclable, aligning with sustainable farming practices, making it an attractive option for cost-effective solutions in agriculture.

wrapped bales of hay in a field
Close up of straw bale on farmland with blue cloudless sky
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